Financed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Innovation Fund and Bpifrance (R&D booster programme) and accredited by the Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes health cluster, the public-private partnership program SURVIR has developed and validated an innovative automated platform for the rapid characterisation and quantification of a broad range of emerging and re-emerging respiratory pathogens. Based on a single multiplex analysis test, combined with statistical interpretation of the results through imaging, the technology is protected by a European patent application.
Manuel Rosa-Calatrava’s team and its technological research platform, Virnext are very proud of this collective success with their partners AXO Science, the project sponsor, and EPIMOD. This success illustrates the ability of academic and industrial players in our regional ecosystem to mobilize and work in synergy to implement R&D projects of strategic health and economic interest, contributing also to the development of French industries in our region and their international competitiveness.
In line with the health innovation plan France Relance 2030 for national and European sovereignty in protecting against nosocomial, epidemic, and pandemic infectious diseases, our ambition is now to scale up and deploy our innovative diagnostic solution for better monitoring of respiratory infections and improved patient care, particularly in the regions.
We would like to sincerely thank our funders and partners for their confidence and support in our translational academic research and our proactive policy of promoting, spinning off, and transferring innovation to the socio-economic world.