Virnext is very proud of its spin-off Vaxxel, which has raised €1.2m to support the development of its bivalent intranasal vaccine candidate against bronchiolitis and severe viral pneumonia. This is excellent recognition of the METAVAC® polyvalent viral vaccine platform developed by VirPath laboratory and Technology Research platform Virnext in partnership with Dr Guy Boivin’s team (Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval) and transferred to Vaxxel for the pharmaceutical development of the first bivalent candidate vaccine against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Human MetaPneumoVirus (HMPV), validated at the pre-clinical stage in reconstituted human respiratory epithelium and animal models, and protected by a recently filed European patent. The aim of Vaxxel’s approach is to mimic natural infection without the pathogenic effect, and to effectively activate humoral and mucosal immunity. Vaxxel’s intranasal vaccine candidates address an important unmet public health need worldwide. No vaccine is currently available to protect the 195 million people at risk (including 46 million children) from serious pneumovirus infections. Vaxxel’s live attenuated intranasal vaccine candidates are based on two proprietary technologies: Metavac®, a recombinant HMPV virus attenuated by reverse genetics, and DuckCelt®-T17, an industrialisable avian cell line in suspension.
Vaxxel has been awarded the iLab competition in 2019, organised by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in partnership with Bpifrance, and has been awarded the FrenchTechSeed label in 2019.
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