Innobiovir is dedicated to research, services and training in the bioproduction and pharmaceutical formulation of viral antigens and biopharmaceuticals. Innobiovir is an alliance between our Virnext Technological Research platform, the VirPath laboratory, the Laboratoire d’Automatique de GEnie des Procédés et de génie Pharmaceutique (LAGEPP, CNRS – UCBL1), the Institut de Pharmacie Industrielle de Lyon (IPIL – ISPB) and the Biological Engineering department of the IUT Lyon 1 (UCBL1). The platform was launched in 2021 within the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (UCBL1), thanks to funding from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (call for Installations de Recherche et d’Innovation Centrées Entreprises, IRICE), which aims to set up or strengthen technology and innovation facilities in Health. Innobiovir’s services include customized collaborative research and service contracts. Innobiovir also offers training courses leading to qualifications, aimed at professionals in the biopharmaceutical sector who want to improve their skills or who are in the process of retraining. Innobiovir’s aim includes technology transfer from basic research to industry, with a unique offering that brings together the entire value chain needed to develop new vaccines.