Cynbiose and VirNext have joined forces to offer a unique and innovative preclinical package of services for the evaluation of drugs, vaccines and antibodies candidates against (re)-emergent respiratory viruses, from in vitro screening to in vivo efficacy models of infections, including large animals. On the basis of a public-private partnership initiated in 2017, we have contributed to the evaluation of hundreds of candidates for respiratory viruses, including SARSCoV2 variants, cell lines, reconstructed human respiratory epithelium (MucilAir, Epithelix) and in vivo models of infections, but also to the implementation of six clinical trials evaluating antivirals, nebulized antibodies and vaccine candidates.

VirNext and Cynbiose are in the front line in meeting the ambitions of France2030innovation plan and actively contributing to strengthening the international positioning of the #BioclusterLyon, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and France in the fight against (re)-emerging infectious diseases. We are proud to support academic teams and the biopharmaceutical industry with a very high value-added scientific and technical offer to speed up entry to the clinics of drug candidates (immunotherapies, vaccines, antibodies, antivirals) and thus contribute to #globalhealth.