Survir is a public-private research and development program labeled by the Lyonbiopôle health competitiveness cluster and supported by the Regional Innovation Fund of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and Bpifrance. With our partners AXO Science and EPIMOD, we are engaged in the last phase of this R&D booster 2021 partnership program which aims to develop an automated platform for the rapid characterization and quantification by imaging of a large panel of pathogenic respiratory viruses.
This public-private partnership illustrates the ability of academic and industrial players in our regional ecosystem to mobilize and work in synergy to implement innovative projects of strategic interest in the fight against viral infections, thus strengthening national positioning and of our Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region to meet the major challenges of Public Health.
For more informations :
AXO Science: