This invention relates to a proprietary recombinant metapneumovirus strain we engineered as a versatile Live-Attenuated Viral vaccine platform that can express several antigens of interest. METAVAC® patent was exclusive licensed worldwide to Vaxxel, a spin-off of the International Research Laboratory RESPIVIR France – Canada and Virnext.
Based on the METAVAC® technology, Vaxxel is developing the first intranasal bivalent vaccine candidate against human Respiratory Syncytial Virus RSV and human Metapneumovirus HMPV. Validated at preclinical in vivo stage and associated with scalable production process for manufacturing, the bivalent Metavac®-RSV candidate could be a new promising option to protect children, at-risk young adults, and the elderly populations that need appropriate specific prophylactic strategies.
Virnext is very proud to have contributed to this granted innovation for fighting pneumovirus infections. The synergy of Virnext’s expertise in respiratory viruses, preclinical in vitro and in vivo models of infections and facilities with those from the Centre de Recherche du CHU Québec – Université Laval, has enabled the development and validation at the preclinical stage of the versatile Live Attenuated Vaccine platform METAVAC® to fight against seasonal epidemic pneumovirus infections, whose public health issues are major.
Virnext’s commitment is part of the national and European sovereignty approach to the means of protection against emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. It also aims to contribute to the development of French industries and start-ups like @Vaxxel in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and their international competitiveness.

This work was supported by Vaxxel, Université Laval Centre de recherche chu Québec, Université Claude Bernard, Ezus Lyon, Lyon Ingenierie Projet, Pulsalys, Virnext ,ANR ANRT, Région Auvergne Rhone Alpes, Innobiovir, Ministère de l’enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, bpi france, CIRI, INSERM, CNRS Regimbeau
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