Our technological research platform VirNext is very proud of the spin-off VirexpR which has just reached a major step in its technological and strategic development plan.
Thanks to its partner ASPIDA for the joint design and realization of this unique test bench in Europe which will allow VirexpR to position itself as an international reference in the management of microbiological and virological environmental pollution, and indoor air quality in confined spaces, whose health, economic and societal issues are major.

VirexpR is a good illustration of our commitment with the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University and its subsidiaries EZUS and Lyon Ingénierie Projet, with the strong support of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, to transfer scientific and technological innovation from our research laboratory to the industry in order to develop and implement new methods of protection against respiratory viral infections, while creating economic and societal value.
We would also like to thank Mr. Mickaël PACCAUD, Regional Councillor and Mrs. Nathalie MEZUREUX, Regional Academic Delegate for Research and Innovation in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, as well as the TERA Group, ASPIDA IMeBIO, CONIDIA CONIPHY Bpifrance Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises ANRT – National Association for Research and Technology AXELERA Lyonbiopôle for their support and their confidence in the laboratory and our technological research platform.